
Materiais para reler para o teste

Junho 6, 2008

Para além da consulta dos materiais gerais do blog, a lista de textos discutidos e, por isso, para reler para o teste, é a seguinte:




ABU-LUGHOD, L. 1991. “Writing Against Culture” in Recapturing Anthropology: working in the present. Ed. Richard G. Fox. Santa Fe: School of American Research


APPADURAI, Arjun. 1986. “Theory in Anthropology: Center and Periphery”. Comparative Studies in Society and History 29:356-61

1988. “Putting Hierarchy in its Place” Cultural Anthropology 3:36-49.


FISHER, W. F. 1997, “Doing Good? The Politics and Antipolitics of NGO Practices”. Annual Review of Anthropology. Vol. 26, pps 439-464


ISHAY, Michelin R., 2004. The History of Human Rights. From Ancient Times to the Globalization Era. Berkeley: University of California Press

1997.  The Human Rights Reader. Major Political Writings, essays, Speeches and Documents From the Bible to the Present.  Londres: Routledge


MALKKI, Lisa H., 1995, “Refugees and Exile: From “Refugee Studies” to the National Order of Things”. Annual review of Anthropology. Vol. 24, pps 495-523.


MESSER, Ellen 1993. “Anthropology and Human Rights”. Annual Review of Anthrology. 222. 221-249.


MERRY, Sally Engle,  1992 “Anthropology, Law and Transnational Processes”, Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. 21, pps 357-379


SAHLINS, M. 1998. “Two or three things that I know about culture”. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.)5, 399-421


SANTOS, Boaventura de Sousa, 1997. “Por uma Concepção Multicultural dos Direitos Humanos”. Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, Vol. 48, pps. 11-32 




ABU-LUGOD, Leila 2002. “Do Muslim Women really need Saving? ” American Anthropologist (108)3



CARDEIRA DA SILVA, Maria. 2008. ” A «guerra» contra MGF. Danos Colaterais” IN VÁRIOS- APF. 2008. Por Nascer mulher. Um outro lado dos Direitos Humanos. Lisboa:APF


CARDEIRA DA SILVA, Maria. No prelo, 2008. “Cultures, Rights and Religions. Small contributions from ethnography to great anthropological challenges.” Lisboa, CIDESC. 


ERIKSEN, Thomas Hylland, 1997. “Multiculturalism, individualism and human rights: Romanticism, Enlightenment and lessons from Mauritius”. In Richard Wilson, ed., Human Rights, Culture and Context. London: Pluto  


EXECUTIF BORDER AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. 1947. Statement on Human Rights. American Anthropologist, Vol.49, Nº 4, pps 539-543.



FISHER, W. F. 1997, “Doing Good? The Politics and Antipolitics of NGO Practices”. Annual Review of Anthropology. Vol. 26, pps 439-464


HASTRUP, Kirsten e ELSASS, Peter, 1990. “Anthropology Advocacy. A Contradiction in Terms?” Current Anthropology, Vol. 31, Nº 3, pps 301-311


HUNTINGTON, Samuel P., 1993. «The Clash of Civilizations?» Foreign Affairs. Vol. 72, nº3.


MALKKI, Lisa H., 1996, “Speechless Emissaries: refugees, Humanitarism, and Dehistoricization”, Cultural Anthropology, Vol. 11, nº3, pps 377-404

1995, “Refugees and Exile: From “Refugee Studies” to the National Order of Things”. Annual review of Anthropology. Vol. 24, pps 495-523 


MESSER, Ellen 1993. “Anthropology and Human Rights”. Annual Review of Anthropology. 222. 221-249.


SCHEPER-HUGHES, Nancy, 1995. “The Primacy of the Ethical: Propositions for a Militant Anthropology”. Current Anthropology, Vol. 36, nº 3, pps 409-440


STEWARD, Julian H. 1948, “Comments on the Statement on Human Rights”, American Anthropologist . Vol. 50, nº2, pps 351-352.


STOLKE, Verena, 1995. “Talking Culture: New Boundaries, New Rethorics of Exclusion in Europe”. Current Anthropology. Vol. 36, nº1, Special Issue: Ethnographic Authority and Cultural Explanation. Pps 1-24.


WASHBURN, W. E. 1987, “Cultural Relativism, Human Rights, and the AAA”. American Anthropologist, Vol.89, pps 939-943





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